Men's League
ArrowHead offers a fun and friendly league on a weekly basis throughout the year for the guys. The League plays Monday. All male members, guests, and daily fee golfers over the age of 21 are eligible to play in the Men's League. The game for league days is the Quota-point game.
Monday's pairings are done by the players and the deadline to sign-up is Friday at 5p.m.
The non-member League fee includes green fee, cart, lunch and points pool.
Please call the Pro Shop (239-596-1000 ext. 3) for details in how to sign up.
Ladies League
ArrowHead Ladies League offers a fun and friendly league that is played on a weekly basis throughout the year. Open to all female members, guests, and daily fee golfers that join the Ladies Golf Association and establish a GHIN handicap at ArrowHead Golf Club.
A variety of games are played each week and an Annual Banquet is held in the spring.
The Ladies League plays on Tuesday at 8:15 AM. The deadline to sign-up is Saturday at 5p.m. Non-member League Fee includes green fee, cart, lunch, and prize pool.
Please call the Pro Shop (239-596-1000 ext. 3) for details in how to sign up.